If you need a document destruction service for your title insurance company, please give us a call today at (801) 610-9181.

Paper Shredding for Title Insurance Companies

Title Companies

As a Title Insurance Company, you know firsthand the enormous amount of paperwork that you produce. Title docs, financial statements, closing statements, HUD forms, and other documentation contain very sensitive financial information as well as Social Security Numbers, birth dates, addresses, etc.

It is imperative that you securely destroy these documents in a timely manner. With FACTA, Sarbannes-Oxley, and possibly Gramm-Bliley-Leach all containing proper document destruction provisions and accompanying penalties for non-compliance, BestShred can help you to create and fulfill a secure document destruction policy for your office. We will set up a schedule that balances your security compliance obligations while still stretching your shredding dollars.

When the mandatory holding period for your documents is over, BestShred can quickly, efficiently, and very affordably, shred large volumes of paper.

Give BestShred a call today at (801) 610-9181 and we can discuss just how easy and affordable a document shredding service can be.

NAID AAA Certification Logo

BestShred is NAID AAA Certified

As a NAID AAA Certified Information Destruction Company, BestShred is committed to the highest standards in the industry. Anyone can make claims and promises when no one is examining their business. As a NAID Certified Company, BestShred has gone beyond claims and promises by submitting to a close examination of every aspect of our equipment, our policies, our procedures and our employees by a third party, independent, security auditor.

Our clients rest assured that their most important and confidential information is destroyed before BestShred leaves their premises.  Peace of mind is what we offer.


Container Options

We provide secure locking collection containers for you to gather your sensitive documents.  We have different styles to fit your decor and volume requirements.  We offer secure collection containers ranging from the convenient 10-gallon personal desk collector up to a 64-gallon rolling collection bin.

We will work with you to determine the type and quantity of containers to best enable you to meet your compliance obligations and budget requirements.