The National Association for Information Destruction (NAID) is a non-profit association formed in 1993 for purpose of educating business and government on the need for the proper and secure destruction of discarded information. NAID has gone on to develop rigid and comprehensive guidelines in its AAA Certification process. NAID is now the recognized authority on secure information destruction and the NAID AAA Certification is the recognized standard for excellence in the information destruction industry.
BestShred is Committed to the Highest Standards
As a NAID Certified (AAA) Information Destruction Company, BestShred is committed to the highest standards in the industry. Anyone can make claims and promises when no one is examining your business. As a NAID Certified Company, BestShred has gone beyond claims and promises by submitting to a close examination of every aspect of our equipment, our policies, our procedures and our employees.
BestShred Is Independently Audited
While NAID sets the criteria for certification, an impartial, independent security professional conducts the actual audit. BestShred has attained certification by submitting for critical review our policy and document destruction procedure manuals, employment records, promotional materials, logs and paperwork to verify that they meet the certification requirements. On-site destruction equipment, and access control systems must also pass the auditor’s inspection. BestShred is audited every two years and is subject to unannounced audits at any time in between the scheduled audits.
BestShred Helps Keep YOU Compliant
Our Compliance to NAID Certified Standards aids in Your Compliance to the Laws and Regulations. The growing number of laws and regulations requiring information protection emphasize your responsibility to make careful decisions about how your information is handled and who handles it. By selecting BestShred, you demonstrate that you have made your choice about information protection with care, diligence and respect for the law.